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How To Be An Idiot (warning)

Discussion in 'Trackdays & Rider Skills' started by Advikaz, Jul 10, 2020.

  1. Sounds nasty and I guess at that speed it could have been worse.. Hope the guy recovers quickly... Someone mentioned a track day database for all attendees based on licence in the other thread.. If such a thing existed twats like that could be black flagged and banned.... No excuse for what he did...
    • Agree Agree x 2
  2. seen that on FB earlier and been arguing with a nobber saying you should slow down after the chequered flag like a race.

    As much as i don't like briefings there seems to be more accidents now they have been suspended for Covid.

    Stupid bloody cock-wombles like this get people killed
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Chequered flag was out. Stopped for a chat, the twat. But chummy bollox wasn’t alert to it. I always expect twattery on warm down...
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  4. Bret was talking about this the other week. Fella turned round and ride the wrong way back!!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Didn’t notice that. In which case, although still not what you should do, the rider should be more aware people may slow down.
  6. Some companies say keep going full chat. Other day roll off to 50% like a red flag.
  7. Doesn’t look like he took evasive action either. Or if he did it was way too late. Poor bugger. It’s well and good me getting all ‘dear oh dear’ but shows what can happen when you take your eye off the ball for second. We’ve all done it.
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  8. 5D85E7C5-90CF-4031-8489-1EB9CD219172.png
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  9. Rammed from behind ? Any pictures ?? o_O
    • Funny Funny x 5
  10. I remember that - I was a few bikes behind - couldn’t believe what I was seeing!
  11. Seriously though if the flags out you all slow down ready to come in, that’s what I’ve been told in EVERY briefing I’ve ever done, they specifically call out the amount of accidents on cool down laps. Am I really amongst only a few who thought this?

    obviously there is slowing down and there is walking pace, the two are very different. But also the guy reacted really late, almost like his eye line was still in the corner
  12. Does no overtaking apply to someone appearing to be suffering a technical? Genuine question not being snarky.
  13. She's a fucking idiot.... We're not supposed to overtake... That's right love, everyone should stop and dismount and walk their bikes back so they don't overtake your mate who's going at walking pace...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. I just checked the MSV online briefing to confirm.

    There is no mention of slowing down or no overtaking with regards to the chequered flag - it simply states “your session is over, return to the pits”

    I would say in this case the person who braked was not doing so as to not overtake - they braked unpredictability on the racing line to check on their daughter and were completely in the wrong.

    If there is a confusion over the rules under a chequered flag and it is not covered in the briefing then this needs to be addressed ASAP.
    #34 LiveFast......, Jul 10, 2020
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2020
    • Agree Agree x 5
  15. If it's the Hazel Drury I used to know she's a very experienced rider and used to race I believe. That was her daughter and in this instance I think she made a very bad error of judgement.
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  16. I couldn’t work the relationship out! Daughter didn’t occur to me! :joy: Post edited for accuracy!
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  17. As I said if it's the Hazel Drury I knew which I believe it is. Her daughter Harriet did her first trackday at 12 years of age if I remember correctly.
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  18. That was so f******* horrific that I literally jumped out of my chair! And I can barely walk ATM! Horrible, but a useful post.
  19. Just facebook stalked her - definitely a racer.

    So what’s the consensus here?

    Chequered flag is slowdown lap with no overtaking or just carry on at pace until the pitlane and slow down indicating intention?

    I don’t like the idea of there being a question over it at all.
  20. Well my understanding is that you knock it off a notch after the flag. Not sure about the overtaking bit. I’d go past someone if they were going really slow.

    This is for UK gigs mind. Euro gigs are a bit different. I still go pretty fast after the flag. But I always slow down a bit towards the end to cool stuff down a bit.
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