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1200 gear lever adjustment

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Wingedwraith, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Hi all,

    I've just got some new Sidi boots and they are not like my older Sidi sports boots so getting my toe under the gear selector in it's current position is not easy at all and involves lots of uncomfortable shifting of my left leg.

    Has anyone adjusted this lever up or down and how easy is it to adjust? Doesn't need much, probably a couple of centimeters but don't want to start spannering around with the lever if it's going to be a royal pain in the a$$.


  2. It's pretty simple to adjust.The owners' manual shows you how to do it.
    The only concern I had was whether or not you should use Locktite when tightening the nuts.I didn't and I've since ridden thousands of miles without any problem.
    The lever needed raising a bit for me to use it more easily.Only takes a few minutes.
  3. [​IMG]

    Digital version of the owners manual and a bunch of other stuff here ;-)
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  4. Perfect, thanks Andy. appreciate the info. It looks like this is an easy job so I'll give it a look one evening this week.


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