I know I can buy them new but worth an ask. Anyone got any white mudguard holders with captive nuts that are in reasonable nick going spare? Mine are split through over tightening.
Nope. I’m just kicking myself as I gave away a few a couple of years back thinking I would not need them again. I never planned to get another bike from this era. It just kinda happened.
Soz Rich, I was too worried about giving you my man flu the other day that I forgot about the Yorkshire virus effect!
These are one of sets you put in the bag of bolts are they any good to you, as you can see one nut missing,
Do you know how to get these nice and white again? Dip them in hydrogen peroxide (oxygenated water?).
No worries. I know that Bilt Hambler alloy cleaner works on the exterior I did the lower expansion bottle on the bike this morning but the upper ones I have need cleaning on the interior so I think I’ll get them sonic cleaned. Thanks
He typed your post code in and came up as Ducati Yorkshireman . In the post already but collection is tomorrow or Monday morning..