Isn’t that the one which was for sale on e bay , I wonder if someone viewed it then came back for it .
It is indeed. They’ve update the listing to say it was stolen. Wonder if they viewed or managed to get the location from the pics or something. My cousin had his R6 stolen whilst it was on eBay and he didn’t have viewers.
The background in the pictures is very distinctive especially with the quad , I should imagine if you knew the area it wouldn’t be hard to place it.
Don’t know if every one is aware of the cock up with txting some a picture to another iPhone - if you save the picture in you album it then shows the location taken - bit dodgy !
Unless you switch the location tagging off....seriously, this is half the reason I don't list my supermoto....I'd rather sell it by word of mouth than advertise it for someone to unofficially "collect' it...
Sadly there are only so many places to hide it on a bike. I’ve often thought a decoy would be a good idea. Have one of those Chinese trackers as a backup
On the Panigale there is one place where it's almost impossible to get to without considerable disassembly and cannot be seen without removing several components first. Most dealers place them in areas that are easily accessed and where the unit itself is all too obvious.
Inspired suggestion from my the airbox. His crosser was knicked and he had it back within the hour (personal visit was paid with 4 mates) bike retrieved forcefully - no fucks were given - police were not called...thats where mine is on my zed...
The airbox on my KTM is a bit tight for that. I’ve replaced the standard one with a foam jobby. Got it all stripped at the moment as doing the valve service. Might relocate mine elsewhere whilst I can. At the moment I fit it somewhere reasonably obvious, but then made a fake wall out of black Sugru and it sits behind that. Looks and feels like it’s just the end of the panel