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Tool kit

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Loverobot, Dec 12, 2013.

  1. Putting together a tool kit and it strikes me that I don't need lots of different sizes of stuff as most fastenings appear to be the same size?

    Has anyone been round the bike and worked out all the different sizes of say spanner / socket / allen key required?

    I am guessing this list will be pretty universal throughout the range an can be adapted for my 748/1198/600ss as well as for the ST3

    This is to take on the bike so want to just take whats needed
    #1 Loverobot, Dec 12, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2013
  2. What I take on tour (depending on the bike, obviously) is a small 1/4" ratchet and extension bar with 4, 5, 6 and 8mm allen sockets, 8, 10, 12 and 13mm hex sockets, a large adjustable spanner in case wheel adjustment/removal is required, a pair of pliers and a load of cable ties, maybe a roll of duck tape.

    Alternatively you could try this...
    View attachment 22801

    And this...

  3. I'm much the same plus a reversible flat head/Philips screwdriver and spare fuses and bulbs
  4. Standard 916 toolkit with the addition of...

    wire snips
    electrical tape
    8,10,12,14 spanners with 9,11,13 on tother side
    allen keys
    AA Card

    For the 1198 I just take the above toolkit instead of that useless one that comes with it.

    I find the above is plenty good enough for me. Anything else is AA.
  5. RAC card and mobile phone...
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  6. Get some 3 amp blade fuses (Purple) as these tend to be hard to find.
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  7. iv got a 3 tier snappy box on wheels. with a draw bar.
  8. oh yes and some fuses..as per ChrisW

  9. I take it you tow this when out and about?
  10. bit of lippy and a hanky
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  11. it was a consideration when out on the multistrada, there was some real reliability issues with that one for a while. intermittent no spark during cranking ongoing for a season or two, eventually sorted by replacing the starter motor. unusual fault that one me thinks.
  12. I used to carry my entire tool collection when out and about on my Lambretta. Just in case. Unfortunately just in case meant usually for a tuned lammy.
  13. remember getting out draged at the lights in Johnston on my RD80, anther embarrassing moment with with a scooter.
  14. Thats great
    The ST definately has space - just not infinate
    More for stuff vibrating loose / adjustments rather than full on breakdown - I too have the AA card lol
    I have managed to get it down to a pretty small pack that will fit even under the 1198 seat which is good enough for me :)
  15. I outdragged many bikes on my Lammy. Scared the shit outta an NSR125 Honda with it. Fuck that thing was fast to 90. Although prolonged exposure to 90+ would mean a heat seize. Thats if nothing important hadnt rattled off by then. It was a very high maintenance scoot. 25:1 castrol r and despite a reed block, it spat more petrol onto my leg that it consumed in the barrel. Happy days...
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  16. Tools

    I carry these nice Facom ratchet spanners - 8 sizes in two spanners ( nice quality but not cheap - 8,10,12,13,16,17,18,19mm) and a 14mm, a set of allen keys, small set of srewdriver bits, bulbs, fuses and spare batteries for the alarm keyfob as well as the Ducati tool kit under the seat

  17. if your looking for something compact look at the motion pro stuff, its brilliant, you can buy a basic set and then include the sockets and any specialist bits
    when touring on the monster i also found it essential to carry a 46mm socket for the rear wheel as its not a size you will find in many tyre shops on the road.
    the motion tool kit that contained everything i needed apart form the r/w socket was was smaller than the socket!!
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