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What is classed as excessive mileage on ST4s?

Discussion in 'Sport Touring' started by Desmo Pete, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. I currently have a Monster S2R 1000 on a 2007 and I am looking for an ST2/3/4/s to swap.

    While looking around I have found a 2002 ST4s with 31k miles. As long as the servicing has been done up to date, is this mileage OK?

  2. 31k suggests to me a reliable and well looked after bike. I'd be happy with that. Dukes need to be ridden. If its also got a full DSH then if it was what I was looking for, that mileage would not put me off. On the contrary I'd feel more comfortable that the bike was sound.
  3. I've had a few Ducatis that had 50'000 kms on them when I sold them - that's about 30k miles. I didn't have any trouble with them and didn't sell them to preempt problems - it was just time to change for something newer. But they were always well looked after by a top dealer and had all the services done on time.

    It's also going to depend to some extent on how many miles you plan putting on them. My current 999 has 40'000 kms on it and I don't consider it remotely long in the tooth.
  4. I've done just over 30,000 miles on my Hypermotard (2008) so I would hope it's not a problem for a tourer!!
  5. My ST4S has over 45000 trouble free miles,I was testing some other bikes out last week,then had a good ride back on mine,thinking it is better than everything I have just tried,and had a good admiring look around it thinking it is lasting much better than the stuff I just saw too,better build qualities ,I might get a second bike an old CB500.
  6. My Tatti Ducati ST4 has not far short of 40,000 miles and has had pretty much nothing but abuse all its life - it still runs fine. If it's got a service history it should be fine...
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  7. I think most Ducati will do the mileage if they are look after. I think the ST range have a easy life then the sports bikes. I recently looked on the american Ducati sites, some of there bikes, ST2, ST4 and ST4S have done loads of miles. 45,000 60,000 and more. I rather purchase a bike with a bit of mileage and a full service book, then a bike that has been a garage queen all its live.
  8. I sold my 2003 ST4s in March with nearly 50,000 miles on it. Every service apart from the 600 mile one was done by me according to the schedule and valve shims adjusted where necessary. The only failure was a gear change return spring at about 27,000 miles and a ABS sensor at about 40,000. The bike was still running perfectly when I sold it, using no oil and averaging over 50 mpg. As far as I know it is still running well with no problems. So mileage is not an issue as long as it has been well maintained.
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  9. i took an ST4s to 42,000m from 3,000m - mainly trouble free. and she looked pristine when I sold her.

    i bought another one at 26,000 - now on 37,000m and the experience has somehow been a bit more troublesome.
    I did a big service on her as the valves were totally covered in carbonated kak.
    Recently I have had random starting issues as well which got me very near to attacking the problem with a hammer... We have now managed to establish that the issue was with the crank sensor packing up. So hopefully time to rack up more miles on her. She is not worth much anymore, so I may as well do so.

    Things to look for
    - For some reason the rear engine bolt comes loose - happened to me on ST2 and ST4s. check that it is tight and that the frame is OK on the mounts.
    - under pipe is easy to scratch/flatten when say mounting a pavement
    - tanks can rust on the inside - I have now treated mine to POR15
    - Head bearing can come loose easily. Not a biggy but if you need to change them, there is quite a bit involved.
    - the fairing is painful to work with. Obviously designed by somebody that does not need to work on bikes in a hurry. Somehow you get used to it in the long run. I don't use all the fitting points myself, and use abundant grease on the fasteners. Some have done Dzuz conversions.
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  10. Oh and worth saying, I never had a flaking rocker on my STs...
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  11. My 600 SS is coming up for 30,000, doesn't burn a drop of oil and runs like a dream, it's 17 years old so still less than 2k a year, they need to be used regularly so don't worry about the mileage, always buy on condition and provenance.
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  12. "always buy on condition and provenance" - which makes mine worth knack-all !
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  13. it's refreshing to read all the mileages above and hopefully some of the doubters will get to read this thread.It goes without saying re: regular maintenance but as they get older regular oil changes hold the key to a long engine life . Apart from belts and tensioner/idler bearings, the first items requiring attention at 20K plus are alternator and clutch main fixing nuts possibly working loose, the former more than clutch it seems and on 2 valve engines the opener rockers closing down to zero (or worse) clearance,exhaust first. Again it goes without saying that openers on 4 valve engine need watching like a hawk. (MOO)
    #13 Chris, Oct 11, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2013
  14. I looked after a 4S up to about 65k and it never did a rocker. I still see one for valves/belts every couple of years (owner does the rest)that's knocking on for 70k now.
    Had one last year that had lived every one of it's 90,000 miles and was still going strong. Cosmetically it'd had a hard time, but the owner just kept riding it and it just kept going...
    Phil covered most of the points, but another to watch for is corrosion in the large socket to the left of the front subframe. It can collect water and if it goes, then it's a new front and rear loom.
    Looked after properly, they're a fine bike :)
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  15. Mine has done 37K miles and has never run better. 3 month ago it was running like a pig but through luck and judgement I got it going very well. BUT this proves nothing. Main risk is rockers at around 250 a pop including labour that is the big risk. Try to find one that has had its rockers checked recently
  16. Saw one as above for sale in Bike strobe,a shop in Barnet a north London,the bikes there are very clean indeed,and was same price as above but with shop warranty etc.
  17. I sold my st4s abs with just over 40k on it when i bought my mts. Wish I hadn't now, as it was a Cracking bike.
    Only issues in those miles over 6 years was a flaky rocker detected at 24k service causing cam replacement too. Bike got knocked off it's stand in a car park, and this made the tank leak ( full tank of gas is quite heavy, and pulls the spot welds on the rear mount. Had them brazed by local shop).
    If I knew it was up for sale I would buy it back in a heartbeat.
  18. Can I ask what you got for it?
  19. As of this morning, my 02 ST4s has done 47,650 odd miles. I got it at 11k, its previous owner having brought it in from the UK.

    I wish I could say I had trouble free ownership, but alas not. I've had to sort out various issues, some minor, some major.

    The biggest thing was big end bearing failure at 37k miles which was diagnosed as being the result of oil starvation due to an incorrectly fitted oil seal at manufacture. The rebuild was expensive.

    The next major thing was my fault when an incorrectly tensioned belt (turned the tensioner pulley the wrong way) slipped a tooth and I bent a pair of exhaust valves. This showed up worn inlet rockers, so I replaced all 4.

    Then it locked in 1st gear on a track day and what had been a weak gear change lever return spring allowed the selector claw to lock the gear selector drum. So I had to replace the two gear change springs.

    Other than that I have had minor problems. The immobiliser unit failed on it and had to be replaced. The dashboard temperature indicator has always been rubbish and must be largely ignored, but led me to install an uprated fan and manual fan switch. I've also had the jittery tacho issue, the poor battery charging and bad primary earth issues, as well as the corroding fuse box.

    That said, I do love the bike and find it a very satisfying bike to ride. I am going to ride it till its worth more as parts and then sell it to a breaker having convinced myself that it is not worth parting out on eBay because life's too fucking short :)

    The guy who owned the bike before me had it in the UK when he lived there and bought it because his mate had an ST4 in Oz on which he did over 100,000 miles. I fully expect mine to do 60k plus.

    #20 Ascalon, Oct 14, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2013
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