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Old rider
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Mar 15, 2021 at 11:41 PM
Aug 28, 2014
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Jun 24, 1951 (Age: 73)
Account manager for photographic company

Old rider

Elite Member, Male, 73, from Exeter

Old rider was last seen:
Mar 15, 2021
    1. Richard Tarr
      Richard Tarr
      You mentioned that your clutch slipped for a while after the lithium grease mod, roughly for how long?
    2. Richard Tarr
      Richard Tarr
      I went all in; Quiet clutch mod and Lithium grease! Works like a charm and the clutch lever take up is so much smoother now it feels like I have complete control of it. I didn't add any extra plates, just just dropped the first friction plate into the basket. The clutch plates and basket were new and I had no problems with o/a thickness, as I said, worked like a charm. Many thanks for the advice.

      1. Old rider likes this.
      2. Richard Tarr
        Richard Tarr
        Incidentally, I heated the lithium smeared friction plates with a heat gun until the grease became less viscous and almost liquid like before being absorbed into the friction material.
        Aug 30, 2020
    3. Richard Tarr
      Richard Tarr
      Your other piece of advice regarding the clutch of smearing the friction plates with lithium grease is quiet clear but for the sake of reassuring me as I'm about to buy a set of discs, is this clutch modification still working well?
    4. Richard Tarr
      Richard Tarr
      Can you confirm whether the first plate, according to the quiet clutch modification, (the friction plate) , needs to be a new one or can I use one of my old, out of spec friction plates. In other words, does it need to act as a friction plate or just as a spacer whose lugs can jam into the rounded recess at the bottom of the basket?

      Many Thanks,

      1. Old rider
        Old rider
        Hi Richard,
        It acts as a spacer more than anything else.
        A new one would be wasted.
        You also don't need it to be an extra plate, just juggling the existing stack will work fine.
        The lithium mod is still recommended for a smooth take up.
        Works a treat.
        Aug 3, 2020
        Richard Tarr likes this.
      2. Richard Tarr
        Richard Tarr
        Thanks Jeremy. I think I’ll use one of the old friction plates they’re 2.7 mm or lower then I’ll put the new plates in the prescribed sequence.
        Aug 3, 2020
    5. nikosath
      I have not yet received the cables when I have no idea. i have change only voltage regulator with mosfet
    6. Iguana
      Hi old rider, I'm going to purchase starter leads off exige but was also considering buying coil pack also, I believe you have experience doing both mods ? Any advice would be appreciated , many thanks.
      1. Old rider
        Old rider
        I've done both but not at the same time on the same bike.
        The two do different jobs. The coils give a fatter spark, which gives better throttle response and improves idling and low speed running.
        The cables allow all the battery's energy to reach the starter motor and ignition system.
        Both highly recommended :)
        Jun 30, 2015
      2. Old rider
        Old rider
        How did you get on fitting and using the cables??
        Feb 26, 2016
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  • About

    Jun 24, 1951 (Age: 73)
    Account manager for photographic company
    999 with straight through can plus PC 3


    There are many old riders, there are also many bold riders. There are not so many old, bold riders...
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