No the 02 Manipulators do not effect the temperature reading They are a device that alters the reading of the 02 sensor that the fuel injection system refers to, nothing to do with any ambiant air or coolant temp reading
Tht's true of Fatducs but isn't there another gizmo on the market that plugs in between the EAT and the ECU to fool the ECU that the air temp is a few degrees cooler than it actually is? (result, ECU richens fuel mix). This does also affect the air temp readout on the dash. By the way, as I understand it Fatducs are not available for a while, latest Ducati ECU reflashes caused some form of incompatibility which the maker is still working on a fix for.
A pal of mine as also had the ECU reflash with fatducs fitted,he still thinks the fatducs have transformed his bike.