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Alston 1st June

Discussion in 'Rideouts & Events' started by 848midlifecrisis, May 31, 2013.

  1. I was thinking of heading up to Alston tomorrow afternoon maybe Middleton in Teasdale I'm still running in my 848 but if anyone is interested the more the merrier
  2. what sort of time. need to put mine back to road trim from Donny on Tues.
    Could probs manage around 1.30 ish
  3. 1.30 would probably be fine I'm meeting up with a non ducati rider :) around 1ish so roughly where are you
  4. nevilles cross, durham
  5. When you go to Alston which way do you go we're in Newcastle so would head out to Hexam that way
  6. normally in through stanhope and nentheads
  7. My mate who I'm heading out with tomorrow wanted to show me the road from Alston to Middleton in teesdale maybe we could head up your way to Alston via Middleton in teesdale and from Alston to Hexam up to you if you want to do a circuit or head back straight to Durham via Stanhope
  8. road flows better alston to middleton to be honest. give me a time for alston and i will try and meet you there
    (old petrol station as you enter alston from hexham) if i aint there within 5 mins or so of the time, just go without me.
  9. No worries mate I don't have a firm time to be there yet I will let you know either later tonight or at the latest tomorrow morning
  10. I might be up for it.
    just have to kiss a little ar$e first lol
    yous heading upto the cafe....?
  11. Hi phil it would be rude not to pop into the cafe I reckon :)
  12. It would appear that summer finished at midnight and the weather now has other ideas :-(
  13. unbelievable isn't it. ..
    forecast today meant to be like yesterday.

    the weathermen are total pants. I doubt they could predict it 15 minutes in advance..

    ..what a shower
  14. Might see you guys up there I need to get a few miles on mine ill probably go from Carlisle to Alston then either up hartside or do the Middleton on teesdale road as I haven't done it yet
  15. The forecasters have a very accurate short range forecasting technique it's called "looking out the window" then they amend the days forecast accordingly. I think they also use tea leaves in the bottom of a cup
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Xcweather.co.uk is ain't too bad
  17. Guys I'm putting it off until tomorrow.
  18. yeh I wont be there today. maybe tomoz same time pending weather and her @$$ kissing
  19. x3. Post some times when ye surface in the morning and I will try and make it.
  20. Who's up for it today assuming same arrangement as yesterday?
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