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Bike In Garage Security.

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Paul55, Apr 30, 2020.

    • Funny Funny x 1
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  1. Just out of curiosity does anyone have biketrac fitted?
  2. Yes I have, but I haven't informed my insurance company.
  3. Is it any good? Thinking of getting it fitted
  4. I have Tony Martin in the garage where the bikes are..
  5. As far as I'm concerned, yes, well I think so anyway.
    A couple of times (many) I've forgot and just moved the bike without the ignition on, and they've been on the phone asap, can't fault them. But it's my fault as I've not bothered to geo fence it, which you can do.
    Not sure what it's like in a getting your bike back scenario yet though, as I haven't had a bike pinched yet, and fingers crossed I never will, but it seems their success rate is very high.
    Not bothered to advertise that there's one on the bike though because it keeps track of your route and your speed and I'm paranoid they might use the evidence against me, including the insurance company :rolleyes:
    I've gone for the three year subscription as it does work out cheaper, but should I change the bike in that time, there's no extra cost to transfer it, except for the cost of a techi person swapping it over that is.
    Their app doesn't appear to play up either, and you can keep an eye on your bike in real time if you are paranoid. It even tells you the condition of your battery. You get an email warning if it does go below a certain voltage.
    Had mine fitted at Riders in Cardiff when they existed, can't remember exactly how much but it wasn't cheap, a couple of hundred I think.
    But like I said I'm well happy with it so far.
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  6. That’s pretty much spot on with my experience of it as well, the other day I pulled it out of the garage to give it a clean again, without having the ignition on and they instantly text me and called me.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. I have something similar, but on the inside.
  8. And another one here. Only had since the start of March, so not been out much. Paid 3 year’s subs up front. Was repositioning my bike inside the garage by moving it a couple of feet back and forth (it’s a small garage). Got the call to say my bike was being moved. Most impressed.
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  9. I think i mentioned an old customer had four classic bikes in a detached garage, Norton featherbeds and Tritons, he had a ton of security as he lived in the middle of nowhere, he parked cars in front of the doors, steel side door and bars made for the rear windows.
    The rear windows looked out onto a field, some scumbag pulled the back wall out with a tractor, had them all away.
    The police said they simply put a chain around the bars on the windows.
    He was out on a Saturday night with the wife, didn't realise until Sunday morning, maybe a ground anchor or two may have worked.
  10. Wow that's epic. I'm laughing just thinking about the ka-BANG!!

    If you had anti-gun types around you could mod it to press the button on a compressed air signal horn. I have this tiny thing, about 15cm tall and it's the loudest and most shrill thing I've heard. It would raise the dead as well as the immediate neighbourhood. Plus deafen whoever tripped it. The trouble would be getting near it to turn it off!

    It's an "Easterner" brand 50ml signalling horn.
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  11. Well if you can access it from a interior door then you're laughing all the way to the pillow for a good nights rest.
  12. It is just amazing the difference in cultures.
    There are so many fewer worries like this here in America.
    Yet everyone thinks its all crime and murder over here...

    Nobody feels the need for so many layers of security here. Lock the garage. Meaning just close the automatic door. Buy insurance...

    Maybe its the politeness from the fact that ANYONE might be armed...

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. I like that idea, think I'll have a go at something similar
  14. I think the fact you could get blown away may be the governing factor here, rather than being hit by the first thing that comes to hand, there's been a few cases here where thieves have been shot, mostly by farmers, a bit of a grey area though.
  15. Simple displacement theory .... make it easier to rob from someone else.... and try not to advertise where bikes are kept, albeit that isn't easy.
  16. Both apply, however a dealer cannot hide.
    I've a bullion/cash depot across the road from my house, at least a £1,000,000,000 at any one time.... never been successfully hit....
    No advertising of the fact (although many know it exists).
    VERY hard to hit.....
    Anyway can''t talk now... I'm busy...
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. UK thieves have very little to lose by being caught in the act by the property owner. In fact the UK property owner is probably more at risk from a claim by the thief for harm.

    As for the legal consequences of the police following up on a theft...... hahahahahahahaha

    The two guys who broke into my place had done 23 other properties, only came to light when Plod looked at their mobiles and saw the coincidence of post codes and theft time and location.

    No stolen property returned and I think they got two years each.

    When they come out it will straight back to work. Nice business model really.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  18. Until they hit the wrong property.
    Local 2nd hand van depot hit a few years back, catalytic converters; 16 of vans ruined, about £200K worth of stock.
    Unfortunately for the polish team that hit the place it is owned by a famous family of travelers.
    Bit like robbing the mob, however this lot own diggers and build roads etc.
    Not heard of a single vehicle in the area being done since.... I feel sorry for the families ...
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  19. Yeah, we get a little of that. You cant set a trap... And people have been sued because a thief tripped over some toys...
    In many states all you need to do is dial 911 Tell them there is an intruder and tell them you fear for your life.
    Hang up and handle your business. Everything after that is self defense.
    No you cant shoot people in the back and other things but in general you are allowed to protect yourself and much of your property.
    Depending on where you live and the circumstances you could genuinely save yourself and it still cost 10 grand...

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