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Converting 1098s To 1098r???

Discussion in 'Builds & Projects' started by Martynas, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. Hello everyone!Recently bought a 1098s which is a big change for me as always rode jap bikes,mainly r6 and raced cbr600rr
    I already know its a v-twin and has more torque than actually you need lol...
    Just another question....i know 1098r 1198 has a tc as standart,i wonder if i change 1098r ecu and all wiring loom and i put a wheel sensors as on 1098r,would it work???i know engine is different but is it worth to do?? Is anyone tried that?? Any info would be much appreciated
  2. If you've just upgraded from a 600 why would you bother? Are you suffering from a lack of power and torque?
  3. no,even 600 is good to me,its just about tc,never had one and i think its quite cheap option if its possible to convert all electronics
  4. The 1098R TC was the first of its kind on a production bike, by any manufacturer. It is quite crude in operation.

    A better TC solution exists in 2 flavours: cheap (simple) and expensive (sophisticated).

    Cheap: Bazzaz
    Expensive: Nemesis

    Both can be fitted to the 1098S with no issues.
  5. I have an 09 1198 (reg as 11) which i modded to add QS and DTC etc as the loom etc is the same. Ive turned both off. The QS isnt worth the hassle. There are reports of gearbox issues. Better to buy a good one from HM. The DTC, well I never use it. Ive only really added them to ensure the bike is a full 11 plate bike. ie to add a few quid to its resale.
  6. Fair point guys.....i had a bazzaz on my r6 and it was the worst money investment i ve ever had.The unit itself came faulty,the QS sensor was out of order,it was my track bike,but i never had a chance to ride it properly with tc....So bazzaz is out for good.....I was doing some research on GRIPONE tc system.Its basically a stand alone and comes with both wheel sensors which is a good point already comparing with bazzaz lol.It also has a launch and antiwheelie options...The thing is i ll try to race my one next year and all modern jap bikes now have tc as a base model,so i need to compensate that somehow:)
  7. If it was knowingly faulty, then why not return it under warranty and get a new one?

    Not everything in this world is perfect, and occasionally some things are faulty from the factory. That's what the warranty is for. I would be wary of dismissing the product so quickly just because you had a faulty one and didn't bother getting it replaced.

    I have no affiliation with Bazzaz by the way, but knee jerk reactions are all too common...
  8. I've done some research for TC and grip one and IRC come out pretty well at good price
  9. yeah thats true mate,seen one in states for 600 pounds thats pretty useful piece of hardware..
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