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Crutchlow To Return To Moto Gp

Discussion in 'Racing & Bike Sport' started by Red899, Jul 28, 2021.

  1. I don’t normally bother with all the negatively around Crutchlow, but honestly he is by an absolute MILE the most successful British rider we have had since sheen, on top of this, he’s been FAR More successful than riders who had a decade in the big class, like Edwards, even Bayliss statistically, Vermuelen, Barros, Haga.. the list goes on, and many of them aren’t tarred with the same brush, I just think British people want to build up their sports people to then criticise and knock them down, it’s something we seem to have a reputation for
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  2. I think he's one of those riders remembered more for his crashes than his successes, just one of those things, left face it Sheen was most famous for crashing at 170mph on TV, his x-rays featured more in the papers than his face, Pedrosa will always be better known for his injuries and yet on his day he was Fast as F and untouchable.
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