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First proper ride out

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Nik the greek, Mar 25, 2012.

  1. First time out on multi with Mrs on back today, went over to a very cold and misty Cleethorpes for fish & chips :)

    WOW !, it is just effortless, a lot different from my Sprint, really comfy seat, would easily do 300 + miles without a problem, really sure footed, ended up having a little play with a couple of blades, both 2 up, and was surprised how nimble it is.

    Mrs was happy too, although she was not sure about the back rest on the Ducati top box, thought it was a bit hard.

    Now 100% sure my heart made the right choice over a GS
  2. I also have my first longer ride over the weekend. I went to pick up a couple of bits of bling carbon and had an excellent ride around Surrey, Hampshire and Sussex. Tons of bikes out, Loomies was heaving so I didn't stop, and I wasn't overtaken all day :upyeah:

    I did keep to the speed limits in villages and I was a bit concerned with the "unmarked police bike" notices. I came up behind one knob head wearing a white crash helmet and dayglo bib and I followed him for 5 miles thinking he might be a copper until I realised that even a copper couldn't ride that slowly.

    I found the comfort really good, but 40 miles on the motorway to get to Southampton made me realise that a taller screen might be a good idea for that kind of work, the short carbon screen was excellent the rest of the time though.
  3. He wasnt a copper but he sure wanted to be :tongue:
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