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1200 Enduro Front End Clonk

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Edward Cunliffe, Jun 26, 2024.

  1. Anyone get a clonk from the front end over bumps with no brakes on? I'm a bit paranoid as I had to take the forks out for a stuck caliper bolts removal about a month ago.

    Done a few hundred miles since and nothings fallen off yet. Can't get it by bouncing the front not moving.
  2. S'pose I need to check headstock bearing play first. Just thought of that, it's a 2016 so may be time.
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  3. It could also be an indication your fork internals need shimming. Had a similar knock on my Öhlins after about 30,000 miles, turned out to be normal wear and tear which was cured by a bigger shim pack. Andy
    #3 Android853sp, Jun 26, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2024
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  4. Hmmm, thank you, I have little idea what that means but will keep it in mind. Only 15,000 miles on it but it is 8 years old I suppose. I can do basic stuff but that sounds like a pro job to me.
  5. Check the shims , my mate had his done on his ohlins forks
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  6. Could it simply be the centre stand knocking around over bumps? Mines terrible for it so I removed it
  7. No definitely front end (which I've had apart).
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  8. Screenshot_20240627-111322~2.png

    So assuming for a moment it's steering head, I could probably undo bolt 3 on top diagram in pic and nip up (i.e. make sure it's snug) the funny bolt with holes (1 in diagram) without undoing anything else I think?

    I know it needs looking at properly but I'm off to the ABR festival early doors tomorrow ...

    Note: I did have both forks out and top yoke off a month ago.
  9. Gotcha, good luck and hopefully it's a quick one mate
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  10. So nipped to the bike shop for a 2 minute once over, couldn't see anything wrong. Rode up and down a few curbs on the way back, no clonk there. Couple of little clonks on small potholes on the way back. Might just be bodywork but I feel a bit better about it now having had another pair of eyes on it.
  11. Might be worth running around the bike (not literally... Unless you want a challenge) just pulling and tugging at parts to see if something is physically loose rather than visually.
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  12. Thanks yeah, I've banged it, pulled it, poked it and wobbled it, can't find anything wrong. No play in the head I can feel (pulling and pushing at bottom of forks) all appears fine ... it may just be in my head and there's nothing wrong at all ...

    It'll be due the Desmo service fairly soon, won't attempt that myself, so I'll get them (whoever I take it to) to take a look the head bearings etc then.

    Appreciate the input.
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  13. Mine clunks on full extension, for instance when it drops off a speed bump, does it worse with some load on the rear, like a full top box for example. You say you had the forks apart, did you change the oil?
  14. Thank you, no haven't changed the oil, it's probably due a change though.

    Forks were out because I snapped a caliper bolts then a top yoke bolt when I was putting it back together. Top yoke was off but didn't touch the head bearing adjuster.

    Been over some speed bumps today, and up and down some curbs, no clunky, seems it's just small potholes it does it on.
  15. Might seem daft, but it had me puzzled for ages. Tighten your axle nut before you tighten your pinch bolts.
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  16. Thank you, yes followed the correct procedure. But might do it again.
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  17. Update time so my front end occasional clonk has developed (on the ABR Festival trail) to a rapid DRRRRRR noise on big suspension movement. Talked it over with a Ducati chap and looks like it'll need to go in for a full fork overhaul when I get home.

    Any recommendations on someone competent for this sort of thing in or near York?
    #17 Edward Cunliffe, Jun 29, 2024
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2024
  18. That won't be cheap, overhaul kits are not far off £200 for both legs, plus oil and labour, if you take the forks out yourself you'll save a fair bit.
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  19. I can definitely do that! I know it won't be cheap but needs fixing ... I'm still not 100% sure it's even the fork so I'll be taking a few bits off the front and riding it over some potholes to check before we go inside the forks.
  20. Was it making the clunking noise before you had the forks out?
    Just thinking here, as mine didn't do it before I took them out to do the seals.
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