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Featured Getting Back Into The Rockets

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Nojo, May 3, 2024.

  1. Hey. Just stopping bye

    I’ve got a new to me basket case 999. Looking around your forum for tips, ideas (hopefully a good for sale section) and of course admire your rides

    • Like Like x 11
  2. Welcome, hope you’ll do a thread on your restoration!
  3. Welcome ✋
  4. Hi and welcome into our mad house :)
    We look forward to a rebuild thread
  5. Welcome and enjoy
  6. Welcome..one of our members has some bits up for sale here:upyeah:
  7. Welcome to the forum. You've quite a project on your hands by the looks of things.
  8. Yeah, it gets worse the more I look. I’m a little unsure but I’m still sorting out what’s what. I haven’t seen chrome frame and rims before.
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