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Hoping we can get a good number on here.

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by steviegasgas, Mar 5, 2012.

  1. Hi all, I hope we can get some good info and good infrastructure of Multi owners on here.
  2. Certainly nice to see a UK site up and running again!
  3. A fair few familiar names / nics :)
  4. Most definitely. While .ms and multistrada.net are fine forums, the UK members seem to be in a minority....good to have a UK-centred forum again.
  5. Hi Guy's,

    Agree, hopefully a replacement for Ducatisti site
  6. It seems to be gaining momentum
  7. Yes it seems to be taking off well and look which model gets the most posts!

    Hope to catch up with some of you for a future rideout - maybe in April?
  8. +1 to that! I lurk on Multistrada.net and its a good site but a UK sites a nice addition to see. Corners.
  9. corners same tag as used on multistrada.net hi

    we need a early boxhill meet
  10. Bit of a trek for me; I live in Gloucester. The Abergavenny bike meets one of my regular haunts. That said I do like a change of scene every now and then. If I ever get Box Hill way I'll let you klnow I'm coming.

    Are you doing the Bristol Italian bike/car meet thing on 28 April as advertised on Multistrada.net?


  11. Nice to get a useful forum back. I can't imagine how I would have survived my first 12 months of Multistrada ownership without the now defunct Ducatisti forum. There was so much I needed to know that my dealer and Ducati weren't able or willing to tell me.
  12. Too true........we just need to keep spreading the word to get more MTS'ers on board ;-)
  13. This is turning into a great site, certainly seems to be doing a great job filling the gap that Ducatisti left
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