Hi I have a 1998 ST2, I have had it for a year, it had behaved itself for most of it about 2 months ago, the Ignition light flicked on going to work and stayed on, I talk to a mechanic who said it could be the main wires against frame so moved them a way and the light went out, but now it is back on, it is charging at around 14.2 volts and it runs sweet. any help ( could it be a bad earth? but wear do I look) Ta T
Has your ignition switch failed ? My 1989 900ss had the same fault and the ignition switch fell apart internally ( the 2 sliding contacts decided not to slide when you turned the ignition on/off ) Plugged in a new ignition switch it worked correctly ?
I dont think so, the ignition switch feels tight and positive the bike has only done 16k but I might look at the contacts where it goes into the loom, thanks for your reply