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999 Just Picked Up A 999s, Calling Her Valentina!

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by TheJackal, Sep 5, 2020.

  1. Looks a bit tight with the Active qa throttle, do you have a photo of yours?
  2. Couldn't resist and went out for a very short ride today, memories of riding my old Monster S4R came flooding back and I remembered these engines don't like anything below 3,000rpm :)

    Found that:

    • The OBD light came on when pulling away but no error code on the dash - any ideas? Was ok after stopping / staring the engine and repeating.
    • Bike cuts out coming to a standstill, probably TPS needs resetting?

    Also wondering what these two plugs are for? One is down by the battery holder and the other up by the headstock.


  3. I was also under the impression all pre-2005 999 bikes were shallow sump but mine is a deep sump engine.

    Does this make sense?
  4. Deep sump on the pre-2005 'S'
  5. The first plug is for a diagnostic cable and the second one is for a lap timer beacon thingy.
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  6. Thanks everyone! :)
  7. The manual tells me that for the Ohlins forks on the 999s, the compression adjustment is down by the fork lowers but there's no adjustment on them.

    Fork uppers have preload and rebound adjustment.

  8. Is there a hole at the bottom of the fork leg through the spindle?
  9. I need to remove the spindle to check but according to the owner's manual that would be the default location for the standard forks and not the Ohlins bit.

    Unless....the factory was given the wrong info by Ohlins.
  10. upload_2020-9-18_13-3-50.png
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  11. Guessing it's here for the axial forks, LH bottom:

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  12. That's it, compression adjustment is exactly as indicated in the photo.

    So strange that the manual would point to somewhere else.
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  13. This sums it up!
  14. Spent the day tinkering with Valentina as a few eBay parts arrived during the week :)


    Managed to source a Termignoni race silencer with the carbon cover in good condition and also a geuine Termi horizontal link pipe without the cat for a deep sump engine.

    IMG_7539.JPG IMG_7540.JPG IMG_7543.JPG

    Got to work on the bike with what I call the "operating tray" with beautiful sunshine coming in through the window.


    Only to find about 45min plus many rusty nuts later that the Termi horizontal link pipe is yes indeed for a deep sump engine BUT clearly a Gen2 999 (2005+) as the bit that goes up by the swingarm is clearly wider that the OEM item.


    Anyways, put the OEM one back on and finished the Termi silencer and then found to my surpirse that (one of) the previous owner(s) changed the clutch pressure plate. Not a big big fan of this particular tone of gold but with a clean-up it should look a bit nicer, even though its a generic eBay special.

    Sort of concerned I might get a bit of clutch drag if this is based on the Ducati Performance model as with the Oberon slave that's going on tomorrow and the difference in thickness between OEM and DP, its known to cause drag.


    Also found to my dismay that at some point in its life the bike has been down as a few bits and pieces are broken in places:

    • On RH air intake where it mates up to the airbox, one of the corners has snapped.
    • RH screw that holds the front fairing to the frame is not standard
    • RH front fairing mount (where the mirror bolts to) is ever so slightly lower than the other (LH) one
    All this is of course sortable given time and a few eBay skills :)

    Stuff done today:
    • Termignoni silencer has been bolted on and countless rusty nuts (haha) have been replaced
    • Found that I need to return the Termignoni horizontal pipe I bought and try to source the correct one
    • Marchesini wheel stickers have been replaced on the rear rim as one was missing so I did both
    • Taken the airbox off....this was a nightmare. On any of my previous Jap bikes its a quick job. On Valentina I ended up having to remove the ignition/key barrel as it was stopping me pulling the box up. Is this normal? Yeah I know race bikes do away with the barrel but bloody hell Ducati !!!

    On the way / need / want:
    • OTW: OEM throttle assembly + cables. Planning on seeing if an old ZX10R throttle tube will fit to make it quicker. If not, going down the R1 tube route.
    • OTW: The 999's dash (more on this later)
    • Need: Find a horizontal cylinder link pipe for a banana swingarm deep sump 999
    • Need: I need to find a decent set of Ohlins stickers for the front forks as one is missing (on the RHS, go figure!). I ordered a set from eBay but they're a tad too big and the "OHLINS" word isn't transparent as OEM. Anyone know where I can get a good set?
    • Want: MOSFET regulator/rectifier from Moto-electrical in the UK. The billet ones are out of stock.
    • Want: Exact-Start leads to go with the R/R
    • Want: Battery box as I had to drill out the screw in the OEM one.
    • Want: RHS air intake
    • Really really want and trying to keep myself from buying: Hydraulic bike lift. In hindsight I probably should have bought one years ago when I was messing around with race bikes but, really didn't have the space for it.
    Done for the day, on the list for tomorrow is the Oberon slave + more cleaning.

    • Like Like x 2
  15. Thanks Sev!

    Not using crap shorty levers, black OEM style levers. I'll measure it all out tomorrow, hoping the pressure plate is OEM spec and not DP :)
  16. Another afternoon in the garage working on Valentina and only hydraulic fluid in a clutch system can get as dirty as this!

    IMG_7553.JPG IMG_7554.JPG

    ....disgusting! Anyways Oberon slave cylinder is on and with a gear engaged and the clutch pulled in I can turn the rear wheel. Feeler gauge says there's 0.6mm between the pressure plate and the first clutch plate with the clutch in.


    @Sev It looks to me like it could be OEM measurements for the pressure plate. I tried working out what you were referencing in your measurements but couldn't quite work it out. The depth from the plate contact surface to the first lower surface (where the big ventilation holes are) is 4.12mm.

    Also remove the clutch pack and total height is 38.45mm but upon inspection one of the metal plates needs replacing, any idea what could have caused this?


    Average friction plate thickness is 2.95mm and metal plates around 2.05mm except for the one pictured above that's 1.5mm.
  17. What do you reckon from the measurements?
  18. This Friday she'll be off for the belt service + anything (within reason) the Ducati stealer will find that needs fixing :)

    Went out for a short ride yesterday and no major issues, no problems in finding neutral either.

    Stuff that's been done meanwhile:
    • DONE: OEM throttle assembly + cables. ZX10R throttle tube will fit on the OEM housing but not as quick as I'm used to (literally 1/4 turn) but I'm going to try it on the road before considering other options: Insert for the ZX10R tube (might be too big for OEM housing) or R1 tube.
    • DONE: Thanks to the enormous help a forum member, the infamous Red key has been recovered from the EEPROM contained in the dash.
    • DONE: RHS air intake has been replaced
    • DONE: 1.5mm alu clutch plate with the bent tooth has been replaced which has also cured the slight clutch drag when 1st is engaged and the bike is up on the paddock stand.

    Stuff on the way:
    • OEM horizontal link pipe which will be sent for a de-cat.
    • OEM battery box to replace the one with the stripped thread (see beginning of thread)
    • Ohlins stickers for the front forks. I'm hoping the set which is on the way is finally the correct on

    On the list but not ordered:
    • MOSFET regulator/rectifier from Moto-electrical in the UK.
    • Exact-Start leads to go with the R/R
    • Really really want and trying to keep myself from buying: Hydraulic bike lift. In hindsight I probably should have bought one years ago when I was messing around with race bikes but, really didn't have the space for it.

    • Like Like x 7
  19. Finally got my USB<->OBD adapter (the correct one) and read the DTC faults:

    P0500 Vehicle Speed Sensor Malfunction

    This is the one that triggers when I engage neutral or start to pull away.

    Must check the sensor next time the weather is bad outside!
  20. Try rotating the back wheel with ignition on. See if it clears after that.
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