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Moped Muggers -yeeeeha!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by razz, Nov 23, 2018.

  1. Does anyone expect anything else from Ms Abbot?

    Lets have a think about it.

    Scrotes steal things because they can't afford them, but the left are fairly happy about this, because it constitutes a redistribution of wealth and a lowering of inequality, which they hate more than anything. After all, Marx wrote that capital and private ownership is the root of all evil. The moped scrotes are merely acting in their own interest to bring about social change for the common good. The means will always justify the ends, Comerade.

    You or I, are rightly angry about having our property stolen, because we have had to sell our labour, in order to afford then nice things that we want. A capitalist society needs to insure that privately owned property remains in the hands of those who rightfully own it. Its about time that the scrotes realize that they forfeit a few of their rights the moment that they choose to step outside the law.

    The remarkable thing about the above statements is that the so called 'progressive' left believe that they have the monopoly on morality and what is fair and right.

    Those cheering from the sidelines while the police deal with the scrotes are the truly moral ones. I lost a Ducati 20 years ago to theft, and it still stings now.
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  2. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-44204844
  3. I think Labour should put Ms D Abbott front and centre just to re-enforce their credibility :astonished:

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  4. It does feel like she’s being kept away from front line politics. Bring back Abbot, we need to hear her, the people need to hear her.
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  5. you stupid fucking slack arse bitch. Theyre NOT 'people' they are scooter stealing, life sucking scum. She wants running over as well. Cunt hole. Just saying.
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  6. I wish people would just speak their minds occasionally, this PC crap gets right on my dugs.
    • Funny Funny x 5
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  7. I take it you feel quite strongly about this

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  8. It never is tho. It’s 100 £50 phones. Or 1000. And burglaries. And watches from victims arms.

    And, most importantly, it steals some peoples liberty as they feel threatened simply leaving the house.
  9. 405C6AD6-DE78-4C01-BDB4-98F5A343ED4A.jpeg

    She's just so shamefully dim witted and out of touch I genuinely cannot understand why Corbyn keeps her onside
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  10. She just beggers belief this woman. Possibly one of the most self righteous and woefully ill-equipped politicians I've ever had the displeasure of seeing on the tv.

    Whether you like corbyn and his policies or not, you'd simply have to question the man's judgement on the basis he stays so close to her.

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  11. Money well spent
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  12. I think its brilliant - i like watching it again and again....they literally dont know what hit'em....

    As for Diane Abbott - No matter where she appears and what shes on - she just sounds...well, thick as fuck....
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  13. she still has the tapes
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  14. I think it is safe to say that an amoeba probably possesses more sense (and numerical skills)
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  15. The tax payer is providing the incompetent bint a good salary for being a joke
    If she wasn't a politician she'd be unemployable
    God help us if Corbin as his crew ever get back into power
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  16. You know that she has won woman of the year and other accolades for her hard work at improving women rights (amongst minority rights) in the UK, don't you...
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  17. Perhaps she should stick to issues no one really cares about and leave important issues to people who know what there taking about
  18. No I didn’t know. Andy
  19. Perhaps Ms Abbott should ask the acid scarred victims or the friends and family of those that have been stabbed (and in some cases fatally injured) by these low-lifes, whether they share her sentiments. Sick of this society standing up for the rights of scumbags. They are well aware of the fact they are breaking the law and inherent in that awareness (whether they choose to accept it or not) is that they now stand a very good chance of being rammed off their stolen mopeds and scooters in an attempt to escape. If they suffer the odd broken leg or two in the process, frankly I don't give f**k. They deserve it. You reap what you sow.
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