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Samantha Brick

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Rob, Apr 6, 2012.

  1. JR45 you have totally nailed the answer.
  2. Samantha Brick reckons she looks beautiful?

    Bl**dy Hell, Nog would look a damn sight more appealing in drag............................................................possibly.............

    .......but he bluntly refused.... :wink:

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  3. Deary me good looking???? um no... average blonde .

    It doesn't apply to all but there seems to be this faction of tall blonde women who just because they are tall and blonde think they are the greatest thing on earth half the time they are bottle blondes ...... and every man should fall at their feet.

    Beauty is a funny thing.... you can get stunning women who are ugly as sin on the inside.

    The reason people shun her is she is so far up her own arse it seems.. shes ugly on the inside and very shallow probably an absolute bore.

    Would you really want to spend time with such a self obsessed woman????
    Any man with a brain would not want to..

    Sounds like she is deluded and actually very insecure.
    If you are happy with yourself you don't brag about it ... sounds like she is trying to convince herself.

    Im far from perfect would I swap to be like her ?? no ...
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  4. Quite right Mel!
    And I bet she's useless at finding M600 wiring diagrams too !
  5. I wouldn't look twice at her to be fair, that's not to say she's not beautiful to somebody....... Stevie Wonder for example
  6. Goodness how lovely to think of yourself so highly but very unattractive to the majority.
    Funnily enough most responses here are male so I'm sure you guys are not jealous at all
    Personally I would give her a wide birth not my type I like normal women I know of beautiful women inside which gives them an attractiveness on the outside ms Brick will never experience.
    I suggest she looks at herself in the mirror and takes a good look at her unattractiveness.
    Some blondes think the world revolves around them
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  7. The main point is she is an average looking woman who with some make up help looks pretty good. That's it.

    Having bought the occasional random woman a flower, or more often a coffee, it's more to do with how their vibe is than if they are stunning. Funny enough, and I reckon pretty common, I'd never do that to a stunning woman as the assumption is they probably 'know it' if you get my drift...and likely wouldn't be someone to share a brief 5 minute chat with
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  8. I am better looking than her and I have a 'ginga tache! mind you in saying that the 'squaddie' in me keeps saying "I would!" :upyeah:
  9. Then when's he's finished give him her number ;) lol
  10. Hey lay off just blaming the blondes, I was bottle blond for years, have just given up and gone back to my natural muddy blonde.
  11. Sadly finding M600 diagrams is as good as I get :(

    They say beauty is in the eye of the beer holder ... I reckon specsavers made her either special white wine spritzer glasses or her lazer eye surgery was an epic fail!!

    She really is a vile woman !!!! I don't think much of that Sally Bercow either a similar breed of woman.

    I would love them to spend a day with that really pretty girl who is very Brave Katie Piper.
    That's an amazing woman thick as a brick sh*thouse will never be an ounce of the woman she is .
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  12. Been a bottle blonde myself... But not a steriotypical one like that woman and ones like her.. They are a type.
    Besides your a natural blonde :) and not that type of shallow person.

    One of my closest friends for years was a 6 ft blonde girl ..
    She was really pretty with it... But she attracted some dreadful men... Lots of men but total ..

    One day we dyed her hair brunette ..
    Went out as normal and she got no where near as much attention and it was like a filter for idiot men as well!!
    It was shocking.

    Sadly you get the Brick woman and people like Sally Bercow who use a certain look to climb the ladder of thier Success.
    Rather sad I feel.or atract the power hubby to sponge off or ride on husbands sucess .
    Really don't like that breed.

    Hope that makes sence.
    Been blonde myself and my sister is a stunning blonde girl!
    I got the scrapings off the floor genes :(
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  13. Methinks you put yourself down too much!

    Never been attracted to Blondes much, I know its a cliche and perhaps tarring all with one brush, but many that I have met have been fairly shallow creatures!
  14. Having read what Brick's husband has to say for himself I think she's suffering from "TMPR"...
    Too Much Positive Reinforcement.
    He's told her that she's the most beautiful woman in the world so often that she's started to believe it.
    Personally I think they are a pair of deluded attention-seeking idiots !
    If she hadn't spouted that mindless drivel in the paper would anyone actually know who she is ?
  15. So your not too keen on her then?
  16. The most astonishing thing about her is how incredibly average looking she is. My theory is that is why other women don't like her: they feel she is just completely up herself. If she was hugely pretty maybe they'd think the arrogance was justified and wouldn't mind her.

    So hubby thinks she's wonderful. But then since when were boar-shooting French peasants any great arbiters of taste?

    Mind you, the minute she over-cooks the venison she'll be out on her ear.
  17. No I don't like her .... Or people who are deluded or up their own arses!
    Il be honest if you stood her next to me 99.9% of blokes would pick her on looks .. So im not saying I'm good looking ..

    I just hate people like that ... Dull deluded and should really learn when to shut their mouths :)
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