Skully Delivery Date

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Topolino, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. skully.png

    Received this in my inbox, when I got home from work. About bloomin' time. I is like well excited and shi*t !!

    "Your Delivery Schedule.

    Congratulations on your SKULLY AR-1 Pre-Order! We are excited to provide you with your official shipping schedule.

    You are in group D, which ships in April."
    • Face Palm Face Palm x 1
  2. They went bankrupt last night. Closing door today. Anyone (including me) unlikely to get money back.
    Kick starter people 100% no refund, anyone else maybe.

    Company was trying to make a deal with someone big. Seems they failed as deal went bust just before it was to take effect. So which big manufacturer did it then is the question hehe.
  3. Many a Kickstarter campaign has gone bust leaving investors with nothing. I suppose the issue is you have to realise you are an investor, not a customer.

    I do think they need to be a bit more transparent about their business dealings though, and I bet the directors didn't exactly leave broke. Knowing it was going under they probably paid themselves a few dividends out of your investment *ahem - BHS *

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. This one 8s odd as technically pre orders are not kick starting hence they have more rights. Those from Indigo kick start campaign are left with 0 rights. Spoke to one of engineers. It was overnight he came to work and doors were shut. Thing is product is ready for mass production they did about 100 mass production units but as investors suddenly pulled no money left to continue
  5. You are right in that a preorder will provide more security. The whole, invest and we'll give you a unit as a reward gives none.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Yep, sad thing is product was real. Seen it, some people have it and all are extremely happy. Seems to me like big company got scared, setup an investor, skully acted like deal will happen to maintain investor/customer confidence. The deal was pulled when they knew skully has over stretched and will not be able to recover. Especially Thay they got rid of founder 3 weeks before that as part of the investment deal. Allegedly
  7. they need to go and see the Dragons...
  8. Ha?
  9. That's a shame. I wanted one of these and had been waiting for them to be released. But there's no way I was handing over my money, and a lot of it for something that was just a promise of something that I was going get one day, and now it's seems that day is never going to come.
  10. New development is on 28th they said they will release statement about company future in next 72 hours. Apparently working on deal....
  11. Fingers crossed. And I hope you get sorted.
  12. Errrr...what exactly is this thing of which you speak?
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