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So Who’s Had Their Cv19 Vaccination And Which Did You Have?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Feb 10, 2021.

  1. Oxford-Astra Zeneca

    84 vote(s)
  2. Pfizer-Biontech

    25 vote(s)
  3. Moderna

    6 vote(s)
    • Funny Funny x 3
  2. You may be negative for covid but I think your pregnant :joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. Well as long as my Mrs isn't I can just about live with that :joy:
  4. I have read the comments and clearly my comment will be in the minority...

    Which I won't go near this f ing vaccine..
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  5. I know you're being tongue in cheek with the clot thing, but the BBC, Gov and the rest (Sky News I'm looking at you) are absolutely diabolical when it comes to the regular changing or narrative they all spin. They're just gutter the lot of them

    Take AZ, 20% max margin for something such as this really should be applauded. I mean I'm sure they'll get looked after in the future, but considering the impact it's had on the uk death's I really don't see any bullets to fire at them


    This whole blood clot issue / hysteria / scapegoating (the latter eu diversion from bureaucracy failure) is just another example of media pushing a narrative and the public either unable or unwilling to assess or understand their own risks in life.

    They just absorb a tiny snippet of info and move from calm to absolutely hysterical without passing go / do not collect £200

    The fact is the chances of getting a blood clot due to the AZ vaccination is so minute they're statistically less than normal life for many people. Taking a single Flight or taking the contraceptive pill both have many multiples the risk of getting a blood clot than the AZ vaccine.


    "Dr June Raine, the chief executive of the MHRA, said: "From these reports, the risk of this type of rare blood clot is about four people in a million who receive the vaccine."

    This works out at a risk of one in 250,000, or 0.0004%.@

    Yet the likes of Sky News, the BBC, they all stood there pushing the narrative and increasing the anxiety about blood clots, pretending that they can't understand risk percentages and ignoring the facts they already knew and held on the back burner

    They do it for as long as it takes to really get some people to anxiety boiling point and then they produce a counter article such as the one linked above but don't push it live on the tv, they pop it on their website just to show they've done due diligence and stand there as though they're purveyors of truth and good.

    I'm all for a 'free press' but it's never free in reality due to the owners let's be honest. However I do think that misleading the public, playing psychological games with their narrative messaging should be really heavily dealt with.

    They should be free, but not free to generate their own news by peddling selective fact reporting, and it's never been more apparent than this last year or so during the pandemic.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. And that's absolutely your call too, nothing like this should be mandatory, it's a personal choice and should be based on your own reasons
  7. Unfortunately, it will become mandatory if you work for large corporations, governments or want to travel.

    Mark my words that mandatory vaccine passports are just around the corner which will result in a 2 tiered society.
  8. Vaccinations for travel have been around forever. This is hardly a new idea?
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  9. I haven't heard of mandatory vaxx for anyone at all except some NHS staff, who have several other mandatory vaxx already.

    Travel vaccine has been around for eons.

    If travellers are refused entry to the UK in future unless they are vaccinated or can pass a test at their departure airport, I will will be pleased.
    #549 Jez900ie, Apr 10, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
  10. Exactly, I had all sorts of vaccines in my life to be able to travel to certain places. It was still my choice so no problem for me. I hope these vaccines will become mandatory for travel once everyone had the opportunity to have it.
    • Useful Useful x 1
    • Nuke Post Nuke Post x 1
  11. Pimlico plumbers announced a while ago that their staff will need to be vaccinated if they want to work there.
  12. This has all become a big issue due to the extremely poor management of the BBC. In years gone by, the tabloids & other sensationalist media were keep in check by the BBC exposing their overblown stories. Currently the BBC is not at all a counter weight to this fantasy reporting. In fact on many occasions, the BBC are as guilty as them in their news programs.
  13. Regarding the blood clot issue
    There was at the beginning of the AZ vaccine a blood clot issue known

    Until people started dying from it it was swept aside.
    I have low platelets from the amount of chemo I have had yet I was not told about this risk from any of my team.
    My brother had spoken about it to me but because there was no consultant talk about it I didn’t take heed.
    I was just told to have the vaccination

    I did have quite severe side affects but they were listed as uncommon and rare
    Now I know I should have contacted my GP although at the time “no one had the information at hand”
    I had to urgently visit A&E for scans and bloods 2 weeks ago (7 weeks post vaccine) as what I was relaying to my GP with information they had literally received I was reporting the blood clot symptoms.
    Thankfully I don’t have a clot but this information should really have been available to me when I had my vaccination in February.
    As usual it’s been taken out of all proportion by the media. They could have been more responsible in their reporting.

    It’s now not being given to under 30’s and I believe those with blood cancer probably shouldn’t have been either, luckily AZ have got away with this.
    Now the blood clot very rare issue will be included on the instructions


    I have included a link for those that may like to know more
    My platelets fell from 176 in December to 142 when my bloods were checked 4 weeks after my vaccination they are now 153 so still not up to Decembers level

    I’m lucky someone else may not be so
    • Love You Love You x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  14. No argument with international travel vaccine, I remember the first time I went Australia decades ago via Singapore and it felt like we had to have loads. That's just part and parcel of entry to someone else's country if that's what they want.

    But I'm merely saying that Michael has his view and shouldn't be impacted at least locally should he decide not to have it.

    Given the murmurings of vaccine passports by the UK government, it does feel that someone people might be treated differently if they choose not to take a vaccine
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. I have no problem with for example pubs catering to vaxxed only people if the owner wants to do that. Thats their business -quite literally. Public transport, doctors, dentists hospitals is more of an issue, as is shopping etc. Not easy for those who don't want a vaxx, nor those who can't protect themselves due to blood problems which prevent vaxx.
  16. It’s true you can blag a vaccine jab our neighbour under 50 had hers before my partner who is over 50 had hers. She simply drove round every centre she could in our area until given what she wanted. She lied to the nurses when asked and they just accepted her fabrication that was about 8 weeks ago.

    The vaccines IMO should be opened up to a first come first served basis now.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Any news when this might be, Soon or just a unicorn?
  18. We as a company had legal advice on this.

    you can’t at present make any vaccine compulsory. In doing so you could land yourself in deep shit in court.

    it is essentially discrimination (at very least). It also has enormous scope for liability.

    Some companies are getting a little ahead of themselves with their policies, probably thinking that because the worlds upside down they’ll get away with it because half of the country is scared shitless and it may or may not have the public’s support (media’s support) or even worse... the Governments support - which as we know means fuck all and if and when the legal claims start flooding in they will wash their hands of these firms stating “we didn’t tell you to do that” regardless of what may have been interpreted.

    Legally, it’s not kosher. I have noticed many companies have shut their mouths on the subject of late.
    #559 Advikaz, Apr 10, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Our HR are looking into this, certainly a non-stater it seems with staff already employed, it could be included (i'm told) in new employment contracts.
    It's a minefield as there's all manner of overlap with employment law, discrimination, HSE, even (possibly) The Nuremberg Code.
    I don't have an issue with a mandated travel jab, what I do have issue with is 'passports' to go into ASDA etc.
    I feel that C-19 is now being used as a vehicle to introduce other draconian/orwellian/huxion controls on a fearful population. All on the back of vague promise of returning to 'normal'. The old normal has gone.
    All this coupled with restrictions on public protest.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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