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Featured Thanks For The Add, And Greetings From Ottawa, Canada.

Discussion in 'Newbies Hangout' started by Elbato, Oct 15, 2024.

  1. I joined on a recomendation from @TNR.
    I'm 56 and started wrenching on Ducati's 4 years ago. My first restore was a 2006 ST3 (mostly cosmetics), then I did a complete rebuild on a 98 900ss/cr.
    This winters project is a 1995 916 (xxxxxxV000858) that I just purchased from the original owner who is 82 yrs old, and rode it until he was 80.
    I hear you guys like pics, so here's some of mine.
    Resized__DSC0077(1).jpeg 20221211_200218.jpg 20221220_171739~2.jpg 20230417_154020.jpg IMG_20240813_195137507_HDR~2.jpg IMG_20240918_091447839~2.jpg
    • Like Like x 16
  2. Welcome mate
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Nice.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Welcome and enjoy
  5. Nice work there:upyeah: Welcome to the forum.
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Welcome into our mad house :)
  7. Fantastic, welcome to the forum.
  8. welcome, nice work, appears your road surfaces suffer lack of attention, just like ours!
  9. @Elbato
    We met at Powersports. Welcome Bro.
  10. Nice work. Nice bikes.
    I'm just west of you on the wet coast.
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