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Would You Buy A "cat" Bike

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by noobie, Nov 22, 2016.

  1. Personally I have bought a cat D bike before but only after a thorough inspection and a very thorough talk with the owner.

    Cat C I tend to avoid for no other reason than it is getting closer to cat A or B which cannot be put back on the road,

    So have you ever bought a "Cat" bike, what were the positive, negatives and any tips?
  2. I haven't but I would providing it was priced accordingly

    This is the key because a lot of what I see for sale which has been binned is far to steep to make it justifiable in my opinion.

    I'd probably rather fix it myself as well.
  3. Maybe as a track bike, other wise it would always niggle at me.
  4. Na don't think I would unless it was unbelievably cheap but as said above I also think it would niggle at me and would end up selling within no time
  5. I have. It was cheap. Sold 12 moths later for what I bought it for.
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  6. I would if I knew all the details and it was priced right..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Best seen any cat bike before the repair,i can never work out the cat system,some cad d bikes look in better condition than cat c bikes,bit of a minefield and yes i would buy one, i did a cat d 848 track bike a few years ago.
  8. I have, it was cheap(er) and dead easy and cheap to fix - Cat D cosmetic only and when I cleaned it it was unbelievably mint under the grime.
  9. Remember a write off can be a 5mph drop. Small scrape on swingarm or broken bobbin, maybe a dink on the foot peg lug paint on the frame, plastics. New s/a, new frame, full plastics etc
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I bought a cat d a few years ago and sold it a while later for a small profit. No reason not to if you can get it at the right price.
  11. Yes, I bought a Cat D 749, and was assured it was dropped at a junction. The damage was a small ding where the clip on met with the frame, and a panel had been replaced. As it was low miles and two owners in 9 years, with a stack of history, I took a punt. Glad I did, as I saved £1500 over other bikes on the market at the time. (I paid £3500) Other than that, the bike is mint, and definitely a keeper. I can't justify spending a load on a bike, as it will do 2-3000 miles a year max.
  12. My 848 was knocked off its side stand by a dodgy parker. Very minor scuffs to bodywork and the engine casing. The exhausts caught the wall on the way down so one termi had a scrape on the tip and was out of line.

    Cat C is what they classed it as. They did that because of the termi but it only needed a polish and remounting straight. Bought it back and sold it to a mate.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Yup, smiles for miles teaches ya shit loads about em :upyeah: just be prepared to put some hours in and you might need a bigger garage :)

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  14. Was the Bostrum made from the 998? Nice.
  15. Yep :)
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  16. Mines a Cat C.. Only way you could tell now is the smallest of small nick on the tank.
  17. Had/bought/sold several bikes cars and vans,Cat C and D.
    Given them a through once over,not had any kind of problem with them that has been related to damage,would do it again in a heartbeat.
    As long as the price reflects it of course.
    Having said that I'm quite lucky in the respect that I've never lost a penny on any of those I've owned,(made a good few quid on occasion),and I'm absolutely scrupulous in making sure potential buyers know what the Categories are,even to the extent of emailing them the Category descriptions from Vosa.
  18. Mine was Cat c - brought it back , I asked for and got the insurance report , frankly it was nonsense .
    It is a 999s , it was valued at 5k and estimated repair cost was 5.25k .
    For example it has a Termi system with a banana shaped pipe ,that was interpreted as squashed .
    Swing arm bobbin snapped off = new swinging arm , I removed the broken bobbin and repaired the thread.
    Cracked fairing and scraped seat = new bodywork , repaired and resprayed .

    Tank dented ,amazingly compared to the above they were going to repair it .
    All or most of the repairs consisted of time and replacing 1 x handle bar and lever, 1 x fairing bracket which broke when lifting the bike up !
    So its a yes from me but I do have all the insurance paperwork .
  19. Which is why insurance is so damn expensive!
    • Agree Agree x 1
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